このページはGoogle gadgets for Linuxのソースコードからのビルド方法を説明します。Linux用バージョン0.10.3に基づいています。
もしあなたがSVN trunkからチェックアウトされたソースからビルドしたい場合は、以下が必要。
要注意, Ubuntu8.04のQtはバージョンが低いので問題があるかもしれません。
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential zip flex desktop-file-utils shared-mime-info zlib1g-dev libgtk2.0-dev libxml2-dev libdbus-1-dev librsvg2-dev libltdl3-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev xulrunner-1.9-dev network-manager-dev libqt4-dev libstartup-notification0-dev
あなたが openSUSEまたは以降の最新バージョンをお使いならば、以下の必須パッケージをインストールする必要があります。
もしあなたがSVN trunkからチェックアウトされたソースからビルドしたい場合は、以下が必要。
Please note that, QT based GUI is not fully functional on openSUSE 10.3, because the version of QT library is too low.
要注意, QtベースのGUIは openSUSE 10.3ではQtのバージョンが低く、すべての機能を使えない。
If you are using Fedora 8 and later versions, you need install following mandatory packages:
If you want to use GUI and sidebar based on GTK library, you need following packages:
If you want to use GUI based on QT library, you need following packages:
If you want to build source code checked out from svn trunk, you also need following packages:
You can use yum command to install these packages.
If you are using Mandriva 2009, you need install following mandatory packages:
If you want to use GUI and sidebar based on GTK library, you need following packages:
If you want to use GUI based on QT library, you need following packages:
If you want to build source code checked out from svn trunk, you also need following packages:
You can use urpmi to install these packages, for example:
gcc-c++ zip flex desktop-file-utils shared-mime-info libltdl3-devel zlib1-devel libxml2-devel libdbus-1-devel libnm_util-devel libstartup-notification-1-devel libgstreamer0.10-devel libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-devel libxulrunner-devel librsvg2-devel libcurl-devel libcairo-devel libgtk+2.0_0-devel libqt4-devel autoconf automake libtool
There are two different build systems can be used to build this project, autoconf/automake and cmake. Though cmake build system has been included in official source package since 0.10.3, it's still in experimental stage. So autoconf/automake is still the best choice for most users.
If you want to try out cmake build system, you need install cmake version 2.4 or above first. Most distributions ship cmake package nowadays.
If you want to build source code checked out from svn trunk, you need run autotools/bootstrap.sh script before starting build. For example:
$ svn checkout http://google-gadgets-for-linux.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ ggl-trunk $ cd ggl-trunk $ sh autotools/bootstrap.sh
Both build systems support out-of-tree build, that is, the build task can be done in a separated directory instead of inside the source code directory. Then you can remove all temporary files generated by build system easily without touching the source files. This approach is highly recommended.
(以下、未訳。とはいえ上の条件を満たしていれば、./configure;make;make installでOK)